Infant classroom 1
Children 6 weeks to about 9 months old
Program Features:
We strive to build a relationship with each family through daily communication.
We work on building self-esteem through nurturing individualized care and attention.
The infants are developing strong motor skills through playtime and sensory activities.
An age-appropriate environment with plenty of room to explore and grow.
All staff are trained in Pediatric CPR and first aid, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), and Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) upon hire and yearly as a team.
We use the Procare app to log each infant’s day and to stay connected to families.
Loving, experienced, and nurturing staff.
Adaptable schedules to meet the children’s and family’s needs and preferences.
We use Pinnacle Curriculum which includes Bible songs, stories, and learning.
All programs offer parent/teacher conferences twice a year. Assessments twice a year as well to show your child's learning progress throughout the year.
Infant Classroom 2
Children about 9 months through 15 months old
Program Features:
We strive to build self-esteem through nurturing individualized care and attention.
The infants are developing strong motor skills through playtime and sensory activities.
An age-appropriate environment with plenty of room to explore and grow.
All staff are trained in Pediatric CPR and first aid, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), and Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) upon hire and yearly as a team.
Working on crawling, walking, and navigating the classroom.
Adaptable schedules to meet the children’s and family’s needs and preferences.
We use the Procare app to log each infant’s day and to stay connected to families.
We use Pinnacle Curriculum which includes Bible songs, stories, and learning.
All programs offer parent/teacher conferences twice a year. Assessments twice a year as well to show your child's learning progress throughout the year.
Infant Program review
Welcome to the Academy infant program!
We look forward to working with your family to make your child’s experience at Celebration Academy one that provides nurturing, discovery, growth, and fun! The partnership between your family and our infant team is an important part of our program. We use Procare to do daily logging and communication. We can log all your babies’ activities throughout the day, send pictures, and messages, and receive messages. Please make sure to let a director or your baby’s teacher know if you have questions or concerns, as we are here to help.
General Information:
Communication is a vital part of the CA program.
Please make sure to confirm your start date with the directors at least 1 month before starting care.
Please make sure your baby has been using a bottle for 2-3 weeks before starting care. By having them practice at home they will be more successful at CA.
Each morning before or shortly after dropping off if you can let us know when your baby woke up, ate last (drank a bottle), and when their diaper was last changed that can help us plan out the day
Make sure we have extra clothes, diapers, and wipes for your baby
Soiled clothes must be taken home daily for laundering. Please make sure to replace items with new items for your child.
Encourage tummy time for your younger infants. They need to spend time on their tummies to work on their neck, back, and stomach muscles.
Offer singing, rocking, cuddling, or a favorite toy rather than nursing to soothe your infant during the day so our staff can help smooth your infant.
Daily Schedule:
Each child has their own schedule, whether it is on-demand or more ridged. We work with each family to provide the schedule that works for them to the best of our ability.
Diapers are changed every 2 hours or as needed.
Infants on solids will be on the schedule that the family introduced first and then move toward breakfast, lunch, and maybe afternoon snack/meal type schedule. A food guild form will need to be filled out as the child tries new food.
We do ask that all new foods be introduced at home first and then at the center. This will ensure that no allergic reaction happens at the center.
Bottle feedings:
Please bring bottles labeled and premade each day. Please label the bottle and the cover if there is one. Please bring them in a bag that we can place the used bottles back in. The bag should be labeled too.
If your child is breastfed, please make sure they are comfortable drinking from a bottle. This should be a practice at home before they start in CA.
Bottles need to be taken home each day and washed before being used again.
We have frozen breast milk in our freezer for up to 3 months past the expression date.
Do not add medication or anything besides breast milk or formula to bottles at the center.
We warm up bottles in our warmers.
We can offer a bottle to a child for up to 1 hour, then we must dump it out (formula) or put it back in the fridge (breast milk) to go back home.
Please work on crib training your child for 1 -2 months before they start in CA. This will help with nap time in the classroom.
Prepare your child for the lively sounds and stimulations of our infant rooms. Have white noise, music, or just house noise going on around them. Our classrooms are busy, and they will hear other infants throughout the day. Take them to a playground or other public settings to experience the sounds and lights from the world around them.
We cannot let infants stay sleeping in the car seat, bouncers, swing, or other infant containers due to licensing and the infant’s safety. If they fall asleep in one of our infant seats, we will move them when it is practical to do so.
We can use sleep sacks with the infants’ arms out of the sack. No weighted sleep sacks. Swaddles are approved for infants under 6 months and not rolling over yet.
We cannot put infants in their cribs with a hood attached to their outfits, pacifiers with animals, or pacifier straps.
We ask that you, the parent take your infant out of their car seat and hand them to a teacher or place them on the floor, or in a bouncy seat. This way we all know they are alert, safe, and ready for their day.